The Top Essential Things Every Beginner Should Know Before Joining a Gym


The Top Essential Things Every Beginner Should Know Before Joining a Gym

It can be intimidating to begin a fitness journey. Exercise must be mastered, diets must be adhered to, willpower must be summoned, and self-consciousness must be overcome. The absolute best thing you can do for your body and mind, though, is to decide to begin a fitness routine and make efforts to improve your health. 

 Before looking for and attending any gym in your neighbourhood, you must follow tips and suggestions.

 You might be unsure about what to do when you first start going to the gym and starting your fitness journey.

 As a beginner, it is essential that you receive the necessary training and assistance as soon as possible because this will put you on the right track and assist you in accomplishing your objectives.

 This blog post will go over the crucial information that every beginner should understand before beginning exercise.

1. Set attainable fitness objectives

 You won't get pronounced abs, biceps that extend in the first month or even one year, let's admit reality.

 As your long-term motivation, it's necessary to have a big overall objective like "reduce 10 kg" or "become as strong as possible," but you'll also need short, realistic goals you can accomplish week to week.

 Measurable fitness goals even include that:

  • Going to the gym 3–4 days a week
  • Plan the primary workout for between 30 and 45 minutes.
  • Following a diet plan

 These objectives will help you stay on track and eventually help you accomplish your objectives. The compounding effect, as it is commonly known, is applicable to many aspects of life, including fitness.

 Monitor your advancement.

 To get the best results, it's a good idea to make it a habit to keep count of your lifting, exercise, and calorie consumption.

You'll be far more aware of where you need to improve and whether you are on track with your objectives.

 You can record your workouts, calories burned, and weight lifted each day in a journal, an Excel spread sheet, or a mobile app.

2. Get enough rest and nutrition.

 You should learn the fundamentals of healthy eating so that you can avoid "diet plans" that promise you instant results or try to sell you questionable supplements or weight loss pills.

 Select nutrient-rich foods.

  • Nutrient-rich foods are more crucial for healthy eating than calories are.
  • Eat foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, fibre, healthy fats, and nutrients like protein as a general rule.
  • These items include, amongst many others: fruits, vegetables, nuts, peanuts, beans, fatty fish, chicken, and eggs.

 Reduce your consumption of highly processed meals.

Please be careful of fizzy drinks, processed bakery items, sweets, sugary snacks, and other packaged snacks that contain very little to no whole foods.


  • When it comes to muscle healing and growth, you need to get enough sleep—at least 7-9 hours—if you intend to conduct rigorous activities to gain strength. 
  • Getting inadequate sleep, even if you exercise, can have the opposite effect on your body. This could lead in a spike in cortisol levels, which can contribute to fat storage and loss of muscle mass.
  • Your lifestyle and line of work may undoubtedly affect how much sleep you get, but it's still crucial to obtain those 7-9 hours.
  • Reduce the amount of time spent on screens (such as phones) before bed, and stay away from coffee, spicy, acidic foods, and other things that could keep you up at night.

3. Engage in compound exercises (Bodyweight and Free Weight Exercises)

 Compound movements are crucial for a beginner at the gym because they let you work for many large muscle groups at once, which ultimately saves a significant amount of time.

Pay attention to compound movements like:

  • Pull-ups
  • Vertical press
  • Deadlifts
  • Squats

It's crucial to acquire the proper technique for performing these exercises early on since it will help you later, even if you are unable to perform them with weights.

 As a result of simultaneously working various body regions, you will get coordination and control that other machine-based and isolation workouts just cannot.

 When performing exercises, you should only raise the weight if you can do so while maintaining proper form and technique.

 Limit your use of machine exercises.

 Since machine-based workouts are straightforward and simple to use, beginners are more likely to spend more time on them.

 But if your long-term objectives are to increase your strength, put on muscle, and lose fat, this won't be helpful for you. The best gym in Abu Dhabi can offer you the assistance that you want in your entire workout session. 

 The disadvantages of using machines for exercise are:

  • Primarily suitable for those of ordinary size - You may have issues if you are overweight, short, or tall.
  • irregular movement patterns (e.g. Smith Machines)
  • You're in a fixed position, so don't build your stabilizer muscles.

 To be fair, some equipment, like the Cable machines, can be really helpful for beginners to complete exercises which teach the majority of the muscles needed to perform pull-ups.

 Keep free weight and compound exercises at the beginning of your workout for the best benefits, and save the machine exercises for the finish. You can easily find the best Gym in Abu Dhabi that can offer the best facilities and services that you need. 

4. Warm up before beginning your primary workout.

 Warm-ups shouldn't be skipped even if you're pressed for time because doing so could result in injury or put excessive strain on your muscles.

Before beginning any of your main workouts, whether they be cardio or strength training, it is crucial to warm up.

  • The advantages of warm-ups include the following:
  • greater adaptability
  • the lower danger of harm
  • increased oxygen and blood flow
  • greater motion range
  • less discomfort and tense muscles

 At Find Your Gym, you can easily get the best options for locating the best gym in Abu Dhabi for your needs and requirements. 


 Any gym may be found with ease, but selecting the ideal one will be challenging. Finding the best gym in your area is simple if you use search engines and internet directories. You may now find the ideal gym for your needs and requirements with ease.

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